Story about Acanthamoeba keratitis .

To hell and back.

Jan 29, 2016

By: Minyon

2010 started my nightmare. It started as a simple it felt like someone poked me in eye. No redness or anything just felt like someone poked me. Three weeks I kept asking neighbor do you see anything and she said no. Fourth week it was extremely dry went to eye doctor he rolled up and looked and immediately rolled back and told me I was going to a specialist. I was going on vacation so I said when I get back. Three days into our vacation I walked out of our camper and just screamed the pain was so awful. Spent rest of vacation at eye doctor who didn't know what I had. Got back and for 6 months they guessed around with what I had. My doctor did a scraping for Acanthamobea but it came back negative. I was in so much pain. My doctor seen me for entire month everyday, Saturdays, Sunday's, and holidays because it kept getting worse. I had to live in basement in complete dark with eyes closed no tv,reading, nothing because when one eye moves the other does. They did another scraping and it came back positive, I had surgery after surgery because it kept going dormant. Two surgeries were in a week of each other. I knew something was wrong but when I called in they said it was normal because I just had surgery. I had a few before this but this was different but I said ok. I went for weekly checkup and she seen me at 4:30 and the next day I was having surgery at 8. I told her I knew something was wrong it was growing that fast. Pain I wouldn't wish in my worst enemy. I felt so alone because no one understood what I was going thru. Wanted to die. Lost job. Worst time of my life. Seen doctor in Minnesota and Arizona. Was on this one med that was over 3000 dollars but doctor fought to get it in my highest tier since it was only thing to kill it. Four yrs I walked everywhere and basically became hermit because of how I looked and pain. My husband gave up on me out of frustration because he didn't understand this thing, it's been a long journey but I'm starting to get sight back. I made Acanthamobea bracelets I give to people to get awareness out there. I don't charge just ask for picture in return so I can see all the areas I've reached. August 2015 was last surgery she told me down road there will be others but don't think about them. I'm just glad I gpgad a doctor with great empathy. I didn't  find a support group till late in my process so it was a lonely hard road and I did have to see therapist because I wanted to die I couldn't take it. But thankfully I'm here and although it is and was the worst experience of my life it has also given me a more positive outlook on life. People ask me if I get mad at Gid and I don't. Things happen for a reason and it's shown me things I didn't even know I pocessed. It's made me a stronger person. Losing my job was the most frustrating thing i feel to this day but money isn't everything happiness is. If I can help others thru their situation that brings me joy because I had no one and it is the worst feeling. Reach out please, ask questions, know others care and know exactly what you are feeling and they just aren't saying it they've experienced it.

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