Story about Achalasia .

Achalasia adventure

Mar 20, 2022

Year Condition Began: 2009

After having spinal surgery to replace a cervical disc with a piece cut from my hip bone, I started having throat irritation and could no longer swallow the usual hand full of vitamins I took every day. The problem progressed with time. Then one night I was driving in the Rockies looking for a camp site while eating a cracker. The cracker got stuck in my throat and I passed out. Woke up with my foot on the brake. Saw many doctors and specialists after that. Finally found one who diagnosed me with achalasia.
We did the botox (would have been best to skip that toxic procedure), balloon dilatations, and finally the Heller myotomy.
I picked up c-dif infection in the hospital during the heller myotomy surgery, and that almost ended my life. The antibiotics did not work the 1st, 2nd., or 3rd. time, so I took it upon myself to do some research and gave myself a colloidal silver enema at home which killed the bacteria infection in my gut - where 75% of the immune system is located.
So while my GI surgeon saved my life by restoring my ability to drink water & eat some foods, the environment in the hospital nearly killed me - I had diarrhea and lost 30 lbs. in the few weeks following the heller myotomy.
Now I am my own doctor except when I need surgery or balloon dilatation to deal with the scar tissue caused by the earlier botox treatments of the LES. I have fired all my doctors except for the necessary surgeons. I have done heavy research on natural treatments and have replaced the toxic PPI medicines with herbs like Meadowsweet, Chamomile, Dandelion Root, Aloe vera juice, Noni juice, Cayenne, and others that give much better results than those BigPharma toxins that are only supposed to be used for 6 months max.
Even taught my GI surgeon about how cayenne causes the stomach to produce LESS acid and is helpful in healing ulcers. But the biggest and best ulcer healer of all time is fresh juiced cabbage. They can't make any money from cabbage, so you will never hear a doctor prescribe it, but it does actually work better for healing ulcers than anything they can prescribe. Try it for yourself, that knowledge has been around for a very long time.
PPI meds will keep you coming back to the doctor, and that's good for business for doctors and for the pharmaceutical drug cartel. And if you manage to reach old age the aluminum in them will migrate to your brain making you stupid enough to do anything else they tell you to do. Might sound like a joke but I'm serious - look it up for yourself - aluminum in the brains of dementia patients. PPIs & antacids usually contain a large dose of aluminum.
Do your research. Be your own doctor. Don't use google for health searches - they suppress natural remedies and promote globalist totalitarian toxins like the fake covid vax that is killing more victims than the virus. And if you don't march lock-step with the agenda google/youtube promotes they WILL cancel or ban you. There is no debate with angry violent retarded Marxists.
Good day and good health to you!

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