Story about Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) .

How my AML started

Apr 24, 2016

By: Dave

in 2014, i started having bone pain in my legs from the knees down. That then went into my hips, but only was painfull at night. I would wake up the next day as a normal guy my age. I blew it off as old age, and doing to much. It kept getting worse and I went to my family doctor for blood work, then he sent me to a local Cancer doctor who did 2 Bone Marrow biopsy's. The results were enough for him to say I needed bigger help asap. This is when in June of 2014 I was diagnosed at Roswell Cancer Institute, in Buffalo NY.  Went in in July ...went tru Chemo, and then in October 1, 2014 I recieved my new bone marrow, from a 18yr old female in Poland. I am now fighting GvHD of the joints and skin. Chronic GvHD in my feet now. I go to photopherisis once a week and take 44 pills a day now.

My Daughter also had ALL, when she was 3 yrs old and is now 24 and rocking the world!

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