Story about Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome .

Just me trying to survive and not doing so well at times......

May 29, 2017

In 2011 I survived H1N1, ARDS, Bi-lateral Pneumonia, Congestive Heart Failure, Sepsis, Septic Shock and more. Being on Life-Support, in a Coma, on a Ventilator and Trach. Staying in many Hospitals and Care Centers for OVER 6 Months. My family had been told that IF I survived I would live my life in a Care Center and be stuck in a wheelchair.

While in the Care Center with horrible, horrible pain I had to learn to sit, stand, walk and feed myself! Oh my gosh it was horrible. I cried so much!!!

Then in 2014 I had surgery that was recommended by my Doctors in order to save my life. But just a few days later while I was still in the hospital I had major complications so back into Surgery where I developed pneumonia once again!

After being put on a Ventilator and Trach ONCE AGAIN I spent 3 more months in a hospital in Vegas! But while there after trying to recover, my feeding tube was accidentally pulled out by a CNA. But because no Doctors would put it back in because of liability. I was moved back to Utah. Instead of a new feeding tube they removed my trach and off to another Rehab Care Center I go. Once again the horrible pain of learning everything .

But only a month later a flu outbreak sent me back to the hospital . Since then I have been hospitalized so many times for weeks!

I am having a really bad struggle. It's so hard! YES, I am honored and blessed to be alive but sometimes I never think I will get better. In fact, there are times I want to give up!!! 😥

Thank you for reading this!!!

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1 comment

its hard to say something, but i`m glad that is over now.

enjoy the beauty of the things that you can find around you .

as the silence of a library , the ocean and the nature in general.


Commented 7 years ago Nicolo' 29

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