Story about Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma (ACC) .

ACC is a Nightmare I Wouldn't Wish On my Worst Enemy

Jun 11, 2017

By: Krista

So from the paperwork on old CT scans done in 2006 I have now seen that there was a mass on my left adrenal gland, the recommondation to the doctor was to watch it. In 2008 because it hadn't changed they said no need to watch it anymore. As I had no idea that they were even watching it, I didn't follow it or ask for a scan to watch it.

Fast forward to Nov 2014, I went in for a CT scan as I was passing a kidney stone and I was told that the mass in the adrenal gland was 4X the size then in 2008 and I had spots on the bones. Removal of the adrenal gland in Feb 2015 showed ACC, and it took 3 bone biopsies over 1 1/2 years to get a positive ACC mets through vertebrae, pelvis, and hips. I have not been offered Chemo, and have ony 5 rounds radiation on hip hoping to stop breakage. Besides that I see a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor to slow down the progression and give me quality of life, and so far it is working.

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