Story about Adult-onset Stills Disease .

A Adult-onset Stills Disease story

Feb 2, 2016

My ankle swelled like I'd been bitten by a spider when I was 7yrs old. Spiking fevers, rash & other swollen joints followed. Many hospitals, tests & Drs later Dx JRA. Adult doses of steroids & many other Rxs continued until I went into remission in my high school years. Flare ups throughout my adulthood. All joints. At 25 was old I needed a full hip replacement, haven't had the surgery yet. Ortho says I & my bone is too young, I'll need another again in my lifetime. But to not wait till I'm in a wheelchair before having it done. Limited range of motion in neck. 

2005 Dx AOSD pericarditis & plural effusion. Seizures & near death, Kineret was my savior along w my Rhuemy Dr James Fant MD in Columbia, SC. Stable/ & or remission currently. 

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