How do I know if I have Arachnoiditis?

What signs or symptoms may make you suspect you may have Arachnoiditis. People who have experience in Arachnoiditis offer advice of what things may make you suspicious and which doctor you should go to to receive treatment

Do I have Arachnoiditis?

How to Determine if You Have Arachnoiditis

Arachnoiditis is a rare but serious condition that affects the arachnoid, one of the membranes surrounding the spinal cord. It is characterized by inflammation and scarring of the arachnoid, leading to various symptoms and complications. If you suspect you may have arachnoiditis, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis. While I am not a doctor, I can provide you with some general information on how arachnoiditis is diagnosed.

Medical History: Your doctor will begin by taking a detailed medical history, including any previous spinal surgeries, spinal infections, or spinal trauma you may have experienced. They will also inquire about your symptoms, their duration, and any factors that may have triggered or worsened them.

Physical Examination: A physical examination will be conducted to assess your neurological function. Your doctor may check your reflexes, muscle strength, and sensation in various parts of your body. They will also look for any signs of spinal deformities or abnormalities.

Imaging Tests: Imaging tests such as X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT) scans may be ordered to visualize the spinal cord and surrounding structures. These tests can help identify any abnormalities, such as inflammation, scarring, or nerve compression, which are indicative of arachnoiditis.

Electromyography (EMG): EMG is a diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity of muscles and nerves. It can help determine if there is any nerve damage or dysfunction associated with arachnoiditis.

Lumbar Puncture: In some cases, a lumbar puncture (also known as a spinal tap) may be performed. This involves inserting a needle into the lower back to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid. The fluid can be analyzed for signs of inflammation or infection.

Other Tests: Depending on your specific symptoms and medical history, your doctor may order additional tests to rule out other conditions that can cause similar symptoms.

It is important to note that arachnoiditis can be challenging to diagnose, as its symptoms can overlap with other spinal conditions. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional who can evaluate your symptoms, perform the necessary tests, and provide an accurate diagnosis.

14 answers
I got tingling in my leg had pain in my neck for a week and a really bad headache for two days

Posted Aug 13, 2017 by jeanie 100
It must be diagnosis by a provider and confirmed by MRI

Posted May 18, 2019 by nancy 2500
It can be detected on MRI.

Posted Jul 20, 2019 by Kelly 5450
Golden seal test to diagnose arachnoiditis is an MRI with contrast

Posted Dec 9, 2019 by Josh 2600
Each person is different
But some common symptoms can include
The following

Ringing in ears
Numbness& tingling
Sensation of Bugs crawling
Loosing balance
Chronic pain

I would recommend a variety of different medical professionals to support you thru the process depending on progression, symptoms & level of discomfort the person is experiencing.
Some key players might include family physician, chiropractors, physiatrists, physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, pain management physicians, anesthesiologists, and many rheumatologists and neurologists.

Posted Jan 5, 2020 by Jcrandall72 2500
Talk to you doctor about your symptoms and have them do an MRI.

Posted Jan 5, 2020 by Deerut1963 2400
Symptoms and an MRI indicating clumped nerve roots, and sometimes a syrinx (syringomyelia), CES (cauda equina syndrome), thickening of the thecal sac, an empty thecal sac in some advanced cases as it progresses.

Posted Jan 8, 2020 by Rhonda 1600
Each person is different
But some common symptoms can include
The following

Ringing in ears
Sensation of Bugs crawling
Loosing balance
Chronic pain

I would recommend a variety of different medical professionals to support you thru the process depending on progression, symptoms & level of discomfort the person is experiencing. Some key players might include family physician, chiropractors, physiatrists, physical therapists, orthopaedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, pain management physicians, anaesthesiologists, and many rheumatologists and neurologists.

Posted Jan 11, 2020 by Staplehurst17 4050
Diagnosis by a neurologist byway of the tools they use such as a MRI Nerve conduction test And physical examination

Posted Jul 9, 2020 by Derek 3000
If your symptoms are similar to those reported in other sufferers. In later stages it can be seen on an MRI

Posted Mar 20, 2021 by Anna 2300
if you make an MRI scan of the full spine

Posted Jul 22, 2021 by Vincent 3420
Usually you will first be encountering symptoms, often acutely after a surgery, an epidural, lumbar puncture etc. Or after a trauma like a car accident or fall, it can sometimes be activated. Repeated herniations and spinal stenosis can also lead to it. .Typically you may feel as if you have burning feet and legs, lower back pain, strange sensations come and go, like insect or water dripping on, or a buzzing feeling her and there. Feeling "Bee stings" are quite common.
MRI with contrast is best for diagnosis.

Posted Nov 15, 2021 by ACMCRN 2200

Posted Jan 7, 2022 by Machinetoolmkr 5550

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Stories of Arachnoiditis

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I had a sporting accident aged 21 years and crushed two discs. Had myleogram and airogram which began the severe Degeneration of nerves in spinal cord. After three surgeries managed for several years although discs kep prolaosing. Then in 1994 other ...
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I injured my back in 1992. 5 surgeries and 4-5 epidurals later I was diagnosed with AA.  I worked as a nurse for over 35 years and had never heard of Arachnoiditis. Now I am unable to work due to the pain and discomfort,  can't stand sit or walk fo...
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i went in to get a bulged disc in my back fixed and the dr cut my dura accidentally and didn’t bother to fix it. Lied and tried to hide it. It’s been 6 years now and this curse ruined my life. This disease is true hell on earth and there's is no ...
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I had a cyst removed on my first back surgery and it helped until I was in a car accident 6 months later. I then started to seek out help for my back pain. About 8 yrs later and a unbelievable amount of injections I had a fusion done in 2013. After t...
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Adhesive Arachnoiditis for 8 years after epidural steroid injections Spondylolisthesis for 3 years

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