Which are the symptoms of Bartholin's Cyst?

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Bartholin's Cyst symptoms

Symptoms of Bartholin's Cyst

A Bartholin's cyst is a fluid-filled sac that develops in one of the Bartholin's glands, which are located on either side of the vaginal opening. These glands are responsible for producing fluid that lubricates the vagina. When the duct of a Bartholin's gland becomes blocked, a cyst can form. The cyst may range in size from a small pea to a large marble and can cause discomfort or pain. Here are the common symptoms associated with Bartholin's cyst:

1. Lump or swelling:

One of the primary symptoms of a Bartholin's cyst is the presence of a lump or swelling near the vaginal opening. The cyst may be felt as a small, painless bump initially, but it can grow larger over time. The lump is usually located on one side of the vaginal opening.

2. Pain or discomfort:

As the cyst grows in size, it can cause pain or discomfort, especially during activities like walking, sitting, or sexual intercourse. The pain may range from mild to severe, depending on the size and location of the cyst.

3. Redness and tenderness:

The area around the cyst may appear red and feel tender to the touch. This inflammation is a result of the blocked gland and the accumulation of fluid within the cyst. The skin over the cyst may also feel warm or hot.

4. Difficulty in walking or sitting:

Large Bartholin's cysts can make it uncomfortable to walk or sit for extended periods. The pressure exerted on the cyst during these activities can exacerbate the pain and discomfort.

5. Discharge:

In some cases, a Bartholin's cyst may become infected, leading to the development of an abscess. An abscess is a painful collection of pus. If the cyst becomes infected, it may cause a thick, yellowish discharge with a foul odor.

6. Fever:

If the cyst becomes infected and progresses to an abscess, it can cause systemic symptoms like fever, chills, and general malaise. These symptoms indicate a more severe infection and require immediate medical attention.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. While some small Bartholin's cysts may resolve on their own, larger or infected cysts may require medical intervention, such as drainage or surgical removal.

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Translated from spanish Improve translation
Inflammation of a gland of bartholin's to the sides of the vulva.

Posted Apr 27, 2017 by Nadya 300

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