What is Batten Disease

Batten Disease description. Find out what Batten Disease is and know more about it.

What is Batten Disease

Batten Disease:

Batten Disease, also known as Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (NCL), is a rare and devastating genetic disorder that primarily affects children. It belongs to a group of disorders called lysosomal storage diseases, which are characterized by the accumulation of lipopigments in cells.

The disease is caused by mutations in certain genes that disrupt the normal functioning of lysosomes, which are responsible for breaking down waste materials in cells. As a result, toxic substances build up in the cells, leading to progressive damage in the brain and other organs.


Early symptoms of Batten Disease may include vision problems, seizures, and cognitive decline. As the disease progresses, children may experience loss of motor skills, speech difficulties, and behavioral changes. Eventually, they may become blind, bedridden, and require round-the-clock care.

Treatment and Outlook:

Currently, there is no cure for Batten Disease. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms and providing supportive care to improve the quality of life for affected individuals. Research efforts are underway to develop potential therapies and gene-based treatments to slow down or halt the progression of the disease.

Support and Awareness:

Various organizations and foundations are dedicated to supporting families affected by Batten Disease, raising awareness, and funding research to find a cure. Their efforts aim to improve the lives of those living with this devastating condition and offer hope for a brighter future.

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What is Batten Disease

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ICD9 and ICD10 codes of Batten Disease

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