Question - Bells Palsy


Bells Palsy Treatment

Asked 8 years ago Pablo 1045

Hello everone,

I would like to open a new discussion about what are the best treatments for the bells palsy. When it came to me, I took corticoids more or less, during 3 weeks. Being honest, I am not sure if that was the reason of my improvement.... but finally I recovered most of my original face... I´ve heard about acupuncture, facial exercises, even meditation. but I would like that, among all people who have suffered Bells Palsy, we may give the best solutions to help and guide new people.


4 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Physical therapy helped me, but time is truly the essential healing. Everyone is different and react differently to treatments. 

Answered 8 years ago Kristmas Moore 13

I agree with Kristmas, everyone is different and reacts different to treatments. I used none of the treatments. I just let time heal me, I did go to counseling and utilize pet therapy. I also went back to school.  Because I have Skynesis which is facial spasms I did botox for the first 8yrs. 

Answered 8 years ago Monique DEAR 17

I took the medicine prescribed, massaged my face through out the day and slept, a lot.  I recovered, 95%,  in exactly 6 weeks.

Answered 8 years ago Carolyn 5

I went to my Doctor  she prescribed  ValACYclovir and Preonisone I took as directed for 8 days and tappered off as indicated on medication.   day by day I saw tiny and continued improvement.  I think rest is the key ... I was under stress at the time it happened... I am spiritual and this got me through the days and nights....  severe headaches I guess were the most painful part and medicine didn't touch them.   I am now at day 23.

Answered 7 years ago linda 420
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