Binder's syndrome synonyms

What other names are the Binder's syndrome known by? Synonyms and other terms with which Binder's syndrome is known.

Binder's syndrome is also known as...

Binder's syndrome, also known as maxillonasal dysplasia or maxillonasal dysostosis, is a rare congenital condition that affects the development of the midface and nasal structures. It is characterized by a flattened or underdeveloped nose, a short upper lip, and a reduced vertical dimension of the nasal cavity.

Synonyms for Binder's syndrome:

  • Maxillonasal dysplasia: This term refers to the abnormal development of the maxilla (upper jaw) and the nasal structures.

  • Maxillonasal dysostosis: Similar to dysplasia, dysostosis refers to the abnormal formation of the maxilla and nasal bones.

  • Maxillonasal hypoplasia: Hypoplasia indicates underdevelopment or incomplete growth, specifically in the maxilla and nasal region.

  • Midface hypoplasia: This term describes the underdevelopment of the middle region of the face, which includes the maxilla and nasal structures.

  • Maxillary retrusion: Retrusion refers to the backward displacement or deficiency of the maxilla, resulting in a flattened or recessed appearance of the midface.

Binder's syndrome can lead to various functional and aesthetic challenges, including breathing difficulties, speech impairments, and social impact due to facial appearance. Treatment options for Binder's syndrome may involve a multidisciplinary approach, including orthodontic interventions, maxillofacial surgery, and speech therapy.

It is important for individuals with Binder's syndrome to consult with healthcare professionals experienced in craniofacial abnormalities to determine the most suitable treatment plan tailored to their specific needs.

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