Question - Bladder Cancer


Research into Bladder Reconstruction

Asked 6 years ago PReed_1 50


Swansea University is conducting research into people’s views and experiences of undergoing different types of bladder reconstruction - Identifier: NCT03325231.  This research is funded by Tenovus Cancer Care to find out what types of bladder reconstruction best suit different lifestyles, as this can help in advising people facing this decision in the future.  The research involves completing a short (about 20 minutes), completely private and confidential, online survey – you will NOT be asked for any personal contact details.  The survey asks about your satisfaction with your bladder reconstruction, the interests you have, and how these have been affected post-surgery.  If you want more information, please contact Professor Phil Reed, the research lead (e-mail: [email protected]).  If you wish to participate, this link will take you to the survey: - many thanks for taking time to read this post.

Professor Phil Reed



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Dear Teacher:

unfortunately I can not help you, our company focuses on non-invasive therapies in oncology, anti-virus and regeneration of soft tissue, bone and heart.

You can visit us:

a hug.!

Guillermo Iturriaga.

Researcher Laser Beam Technology Chile.

+569 87311952.

Answered 6 years ago Guillermo 10

I would do this survey but we were very lucky in that once my spouse was in the operating room to have a neobladder put in they said they didn't think he needed one and he got to keep his bladder.  They did say it would probably be likely in the future that he would lose it though.

Answered 6 years ago CrystalT 130
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