Question - Cardiomyopathy



Asked 8 years ago Helga Mac 15

I'm interested to hear from anyone else my age (51) with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy who does some jogging/running. Do you take any special precautions, does the disease affect your running, what have your doctors advised regarding running etc?

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I'm afraid I don't even run for a bus myself, but I certainly know of plenty with HCM who do run - even at marathon level...!


The key is to consult your doctors and pay attention to your own body.


Do you have an ICD?  If so, that will be helpful in pacing if necessary.


Above all, take it steady to start with and with well within your limits - don't push to beat yesterday's target.


Hope that helps?



Answered 8 years ago Matt Erlanger 40

I agree with Matt.
Consult your cardiologist.
When you take a lot of medication maybe it's possible to start in a special group organised by the hospital. They keep a close watch on you when you start running.

Because cardiomyopathy is different in each person you have to find out your own pace.
Some experience that their heartbeat is kept within certain limits by the medication.
Others experience good and bad days, instead of a gradual development of distance and healthy feeling.
Always care for a good warming up and a good cool down.
Take into account how much you need to drink to keep a balance in your body.

Don't overdo. When you care well for yourself you'll see improvement over a stretch of time.
Some people with hyperthrophic cardiomyopathy get a check up ultrasound after 3 or 6 months to see if the hyperthrophy worsens or not.

Always wear an ID with references to your cardiologist, just in case of, or instructions when that's needed.

Have a good time and let us know how things go. Others might benefit from your experience.

Answered 8 years ago Sylvi 10
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