Story about Carney Complex .

Carney Complex

Aug 26, 2023


Year Condition Began: 2018

I have many freckles Severe headaches when exercising started 2017. Days play tennis. Headaches worsened until I couldn’t finish matches. Eventually Brain MRI revealed large pituitary tumor 3cmx4cm. Tumor was an adenoma prolactinoma. Cabergoline shrunk the tumor 50%. Other than prolactin, endo numbers were good. Had transphenoidal surgery. Tumor was following the optic nerve. Surgeon did not expect the surgery to cure headaches. It did. No more headaches. Life was mostly back to normal. But, in tennis, I had asthma like symptoms.

Three years passed and my “asthma” shut down tennis. July 2023 I had chest pain after water skiing. ER visit put me on a helicopter to Duke University Hospital. Open heart surgery to remove a 7cmx3cm tumor. A 3cmx1cm piece was in my lung artery.

Surgery went well and healed well but I now (six weeks after surgery) have stomach pains most evenings and don’t know why.
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