Story about Carney Complex , Fibromyalgia.

My condition is mainly Carney Complex.

Aug 6, 2019

By: Karen

Year Condition Began: 1995

I took Carney Complex at the age of 16, in 1995. I found out through my first serious boyfriend as felt lumps which were cysts in my breasts unknown to me. At that age breast cancer was unspoken and I being very young was unknown too breast cancer nor cysts that were possible in women's breasts. My GP doctors never sent me to any consultant's nor any hospitals for check ups nor treatment. It was only last year of 2018 in August that I got somewhere myself regarding a top consultant being a top genetics consultant. I rang her secretary 5 months in a row from March - July, stating the fact my gp doctors were neglecting me all my life from age of 16. I finally got listened too in July with a appointment with the genetics consultant in August 2018, she then begun all body referrals with other top consultants regarding my rare illness condition being carney complex. An now I'm getting reviews every 6 - 12 months. I also had the most biggest serious operation surgery of my entire life last June 2018, I had a double Mascectomy with implants at the age then of 38 years old. My operation killed me post operation with near life ending an serious life threatening pains, October last autumn 2018 was my most painful month of post operation pains. I thought I would not live to see the month of November nevermind my 6 month anniversary in December 2018 and had no idea I'd survive to see my 1 year anniversary this June 2019, I'm gladly here still due too a very tough time of serious pains an holding on too a thin line of holding onto life, fighting too survive through the pains and not give up nor quit. My implants in me only last 5 years in a normal person, but me having my carney complex and having the surgery operation that I had with implants plus mesh inside both breasts plus having my breast wall muscle cut in surgery down to half a centimeter, made it very tough and long post operation with serious pains. I'm still not free of pains even 14 months onwards from my surgery operation. I'm on a lot of strong painkillers at present and it's still tough going pain wise. My implants could go before the 5 year maximum lasting. I do not know when they will go or bust or need replacing. Nor does the surgeon reviewing me every 6 months. My surgeon has warned me my next replacement of implants will cause me more problems and pain's than my initial double Mascectomy and implants last June 2018. I am not looking forward to what is too come regarding my next operation and replacements of my implants.

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