Story about Carotid Artery Dissection , Multiple Sclerosis.

Chiropractor, CAD and stroke

Feb 14, 2016

By: Stinna

On June 26 th 2015 I went to the chiropractor because I had been having neckproblems for a few weeks.

I had gone the day before and all went well. He took a X-ray and said that my problem was very common and would be fixed in no time.

He did the manipulation and told me to come back again the next day.

The next day he sat me down on a chair in front of him and he did the neckmanipulation. it said an extremely loud deep sounding "drunk" and then all went black and I got very dizzy. He told me to just sit still and that it would pass in a second.

when it didn't he got me to lay down. I pretty much was out so he called 911. I don't remember much until I woke up 4 hours later in a hospital bed.

I was extremely dizzy, had dobbeltvision and no hearing on my left ear.

It turned out that I had had a artery dissection followed by a stroke.

It took me 3 months to get back my balance and vision but my hearing on my left ear is lost forever.

Now 8 months later I'm getting my life back but I'll never ever go to a chiropractor for a neck problem and it's scary to find how many of us is out there.

Good luck to all of you!

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