What is Cat-scratch Disease

Cat-scratch Disease description. Find out what Cat-scratch Disease is and know more about it.

What is Cat-scratch Disease

Cat-scratch disease is a bacterial infection that humans can contract from cats. It is caused by a bacterium called Bartonella henselae, which is found in the saliva of infected cats. When an infected cat scratches or bites a person, the bacteria can enter the skin and cause an infection.

Symptoms of cat-scratch disease typically include a small bump or blister at the site of the scratch or bite, followed by swollen lymph nodes near the area. The lymph nodes may become tender and painful. In some cases, individuals may experience fever, fatigue, headache, and a general feeling of illness.

Diagnosis of cat-scratch disease is often based on the symptoms and a history of exposure to cats. Blood tests may be conducted to detect antibodies to the bacteria.

Treatment for cat-scratch disease usually involves supportive care, such as pain relievers and warm compresses to alleviate symptoms. In severe cases, antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the infection.

It is important to note that prevention is key in avoiding cat-scratch disease. Regularly washing hands after handling cats, avoiding rough play with cats, and keeping cats' nails trimmed can help reduce the risk of infection. If you suspect you have cat-scratch disease, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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What is Cat-scratch Disease

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