Story about Central Pain Syndrome .

CPS and my brain tumor

Nov 15, 2017

By: MesaLife

Year Condition Began: 2013

I battled with fibromyalgia since 2005 when I was in ovarian failure, which I believed to be the cause of all these odd syndrome related issues. In 2006 I had to have a complete hysterectomy which threw my body into a major endocrine imbalance. The trauma of surgery made my symptoms worse. Even bio-identical hormone replacement wasn't enough to get back to feeling healthy and normal. I had such pain in my body/back that I was at the end of my rope. Some days the transient pain in my hips, arms, legs and back was so bad I was bed ridden. Other days I had to use a cane to walk and get around. Brushing my teeth made my back hurt so badly I would be in tears.
Dr's had pushed many pharmaceuticals ( lyrica, neurontin, cymbalta, etc- all made me sicker), even given me injections into my spine to no avail for relief. I would have good weeks and bad weeks. Just always pushing forward with as much of a smile as I could muster up. Most doctor's saw me as "drug seeking" and used the hysterectomy as my reason for being emotional when I spoke of the undiagnosed pain I was experiencing. My life was in shambles with 2 young children to raise and a household to maintain.

It was then I found a doctor that took my full medical history seriously. She wanted to find the root cause not treat a symptom. I was finally given an MRI in 2013 to rule out Multiple Sclerosis. That's when they found an inoperable brain tumor on my brain stem. My neurosurgeon offered zero help. A month later I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma and was in fear for my life. Again, another surgery for the melanoma with sentinel lymph node removal - increasing the stress on my body. My pain levels were off the charts in the following months.

My family doctor is a functional medicine doc, not an allopathic doctor. She recommended medical cannabis. I use the highly concentrated oil at night ( think Rick Simpson oil type) , rotating a pure THC oil for night and during the day a pure CBD oil ( ingested in a capsule) for day time. Zero psychoactive effects with CBD so I am feeling normal during the day. It has helped to a degree but not completely. On occasion, I still have to take a dose of pain medicine ( 5mg vicoden) to get through daily household chores.

I maintain an organic healthy diet. No gluten, high protein and non GMO. I do yoga and stretching exercises daily and maintain a low weight only because pain causes me not to have much of an appetite. I use meditation to help control stress and do my best to live in gratitude, for someone else always has it worse. Sometimes I feel it's the gratitude in Heart that keeps me alive. Blessings and good health to all who read my story. Thank you.
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