Question - Cholesteatoma


Laser treatment

Asked 5 years ago Debbie daly 550

Hi, I would really like some info regarding laser treatment for ctoma. I know that this is available in the UK. Does anyone know if this is available in Ireland. Thanks

1 answer | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Hi Debbie. Each hospital is different. About 50% of uk hospitals have the laser, so the same might be true in Ireland. Ask at your local hospitals. At the hospital we use about 50% of the time they didn't even use the laser for our surgery - so ask individual surgeons if they use the laser. For help from the ctoma community come onto the facebook group: Cholesteatoma the hidden disease. See you over there! Also I have created a website with lots of support links and information which might be helpful

Answered 5 years ago Marie 10
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