Story about Cholesteatoma .

A Cholesteatoma story

Apr 11, 2016

1st surgery Indianapolis 2009 mastoidectomy with prosthetic. Ctoma came back in 2014 second surgery November 2014 For ctoma Canal wall down, removal of all inner ear bones and ear drum graft. it's been a year no reoccurrence, have read that 80% of people who undergo CWD surgery, the ctoma does not come back because the dr can easily clean the ear and mastoid cavity in office before it builds up causing a ctoma. This has been the most effective for me clean dry ear no infections..went to doc a week ago, healing very well. Now instead of every 6 months, I will report back to docs once a year. Praying this hidden disease never comes back..good luck to you all on your journey with this!

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1 comment

My daughter had cwd on left ear and it helped tremendously with the ctoma.  Like you said the Dr can clean her ear before a problem arises.  

Commented 8 years ago Lisa 40

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