Question - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E.


adrenal fatigue insomnia

Asked 8 years ago adrenalinsomnia 17

any supplement/homepathic med for adrenal fatigue insomnia (sudden awakening at night after 3-4 hours of sleep and then inability to fall asleep again)?

8 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Have you tried soursop tea?Or CDB-oil? CDB-oil is available without THC,if it have to try.Unfortunately you have to find out yourself if CDB is working and wich dose.

Answered 8 years ago Brenda Vreeswijk 65

you can try some restorative yoga poses:

Answered 8 years ago Roxanne 10

Avoiding herbs and foods that exacerbate adrenal fatigue is critical as you likely know. And the basics, like turning off the tv and other electronic devices in the area well before you go to bed. But you mention waking up and not being able to go back to sleep. While I suspect Unisom might not be great for adrenal fatigue, I do take it since lack of sleep doesn't help the situation either. I pretty much assume that most CFS folks have some level of adrenal fatigue and include myself in that but it doesn't stop me from taking Unisom. It keeps me sleeping longer and has been recommended by Dr. Sarah Myhill of the UK who is a tremendous resource for people with CFS. Depending on your size and tolerance you could take anywhere from 50 to 100 mg every night at bedtime or within the hour before bed. I also take Gaba Calm and melatonin to further facilitate prolonged and restful sleep. I can usually get and sustain 6 to 7 hours of sleep, sometimes (but rarely) more. I don't know if you drink any alcoholic drinks in the evening but sometimes, depending on the person, just one drink can disrupt the sleep rhythm, causing you to waken too early after falling asleep. Hope this helps...

Answered 8 years ago J. Ruth 40

Also... I recommend you look into Dr. Lam's advice on AF. He has a website. 

Answered 8 years ago J. Ruth 40

I take Valerian, a herb, for a good night's sleep.

Answered 7 years ago GeorgiaS 88

a complicated matter... anabolic function is severely disrupted in ME/CFS--worse, perhaps, in females... some medications that help one fall asleep also wake you up after a few hours... besides staggering medications (taking some upon awakening in middle of night), the main thing that helped me with awakening during my night = sleeping with skin resting on a grounding mat (Amazon or Mercola).


Answered 7 years ago Buffer Me 60

The best thing I found for those waking episodes was making the connection between foods that give me inflammation and increased sleep problems. I stopped eating dairy last December and immediately started falling and staying asleep much easier. Some of the things others have mentioned have also been a little bit helpful on their own, like using medical cannabis (I need to use several small amounts throughout the day to get the sleep benefit) and melatonin, and paying attention to sleep hygeine. A good friend has excellent results with falling back to sleep after waking by getting up and repeating her bedtime routine without stressing about not sleeping.

Answered 7 years ago Kat 60

Autoimmune diet should be a corner stone for the disease. There are many substitutions for things you can't eat like you can eat sourdough bread for grain. You can transition gradually. Keep a food diary. Telling someone sick to keep a food diary is not easy. Dairy is complicated since your dealing with the bad effects of homogenization, pasteurization, lactose and A1 vs A2 beta casein protein. A1 milk protein produces a toxic BMC-7 protein fragment. Many people who think they are lactose intolerant or dairy intolerant is caused bythe A1 milk protein. You need to test it. Milk fat does not contain any milk protein so butter has very minimal milk protein.

High cortisol before bed will cause insomnia. Try Primaforce Cissus Quadrangularis. It is a glucocortisoid blocker. Works quickly so youwill know whether it works quickly.

Abut 1/5 th of the population has problems with glutamate toxicity especially people with restless leg syndrome. See Glutamate toxicity will cause OCD, Anxiety and racing mind. You can use supplements like Taurine, PharmGABA and Magtein to address that.

So addressing the issues below will help a lot of people

1) toxins in diet

2) glutamate toxicity

3) Cortisol levels


Answered 7 years ago Darryl 83
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