Question - Pancreatitis


Does anybody suffer from Chronic Pancreatitis and Crohn's Disease?

Asked 8 years ago Elisa 580

I have Crohn's Disease and I had six episodes of accute pancreatitis.  Doctors do not know what is wrong with me; all the tests were fine.  There are no signals of autoinmune pancreatitis or chronic pancreatitis,  so I have been diagnosed with ideopathic recurrent pancreatitis. Do you think that Crohn's and Pancreatitis are related or are they different diseases? 

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Your crohns disease could potentially be the the cause of your recurrent episodes of pancreatitis. 

Answered 8 years ago Carrie 15

Thanks Carrie! I may start a treatment for my Crohn's in a month or in a month and a half, we have to do some tests before. So, we will see how it goes and what happens with my pancreatitis... Some doctors think that  my pancreatitis are directly related to my Crohn's and others think the opposite. I do not know anybody in the same situation as me... this is why I am a little bit worried.

Thanks again!

Answered 8 years ago Elisa 580


How are you today?

I have read your story and wanted to know hos does it go a year later?

Doctors told me some 30 years agos that I had HFE hereditary haemochromatosis wich resulted in chronic pancreatitis, together with coeliac disease. I have lived years with 'complicated' meals such as glutenfree, expensive 'astronautic' food, etc. Now I eat 'regulair' healthy food and sometimes still have pain, but this is alright because I have an implanted morphinepump. I think that a pancreatitis and Chrohn's are two different diseases, but could be related too. I think it depends on the region where the Chrohn disease is situated. Logical I would say that Chrohn's disease is the cause of pancreatitis, but I am not a doctor.

What about your treatment and the tests?


Dirk (bewiki)

Answered 7 years ago bewiki 4317
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