Coffin Siris Syndrome prognosis

What is the prognosis if you have Coffin Siris Syndrome? Quality of life, limitations and expectatios of someone with Coffin Siris Syndrome.

Coffin Siris Syndrome prognosis
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Coffin Siris Syndrome prognosis

Coffin Siris Syndrome life expectancy

What is the life expectancy of someone with Coffin Siris Syndrome?

4 answers
Celebrities with Coffin Siris Syndrome

Celebrities with Coffin Siris Syndrome

1 answer
Is Coffin Siris Syndrome hereditary?

Is Coffin Siris Syndrome hereditary?

4 answers
Is Coffin Siris Syndrome contagious?

Is Coffin Siris Syndrome contagious?

4 answers
Natural treatment of Coffin Siris Syndrome

Is there any natural treatment for Coffin Siris Syndrome?

2 answers
ICD9 and ICD10 codes of Coffin Siris Syndrome

ICD10 code of Coffin Siris Syndrome and ICD9 code

2 answers
Living with Coffin Siris Syndrome

Living with Coffin Siris Syndrome. How to live with Coffin Siris Syndrome?

1 answer
Coffin Siris Syndrome diet

Coffin Siris Syndrome diet. Is there a diet which improves the quality of l...

1 answer

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Stories of Coffin Siris Syndrome

Coffin Siris Syndrome stories
My 6 year old son has just been diagnosed with Coffin Sirus syndrome after a looooong journey of getting to the bottom of his diagnosis. Finally we have an answer. I am his mother.
Coffin Siris Syndrome stories
Declan was diagnosed with CSS in 2018. He also has a diagnosis of ADHD. Early in his life we were told that he may never walk/talk or be independent. He is now (nearly) 10. He goes to a regular school in a special needs class but also spends a lot o...
Coffin Siris Syndrome stories
My name is Naomi, I am 20 years old and I have coffin-siris syndrome. My affected gene is smarca4 but there are 10 known genes that can be affected to cause css. I am part of a Facebook group with over 1000 members so please come find us for help and...
Coffin Siris Syndrome stories
Leo our son who is 2 years old got his diagnosis at the beginning of August 2019. He has arid 1b coffin Siris
Coffin Siris Syndrome stories
Alice was always a little slower at developing, mainly with speech. After a genetic test the results were given Dec 2019. She mainly suffers from non-verbal, she is now 6.5yrs (Jan 2021) and although she is very expensive and makes similar sounds t...

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