Does Cold Urticaria have a cure?

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Cold Urticaria cure

Cold Urticaria is a condition characterized by hives or welts appearing on the skin after exposure to cold temperatures. While there is no known cure for this condition, it can be managed effectively through various measures. Avoiding cold exposure, wearing warm clothing, and taking antihistamines can help alleviate symptoms. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and personalized treatment options.

Does Cold Urticaria have a cure?

Cold urticaria, also known as cold hives, is a condition characterized by an allergic reaction to cold temperatures. It typically manifests as red, itchy welts on the skin after exposure to cold air or water. While there is no known cure for cold urticaria, there are various treatment options available to manage and alleviate the symptoms.

Treatment options for Cold Urticaria:

1. Avoidance of cold triggers: The most effective way to manage cold urticaria is to avoid exposure to cold temperatures. This may involve wearing warm clothing, using gloves or mittens, and staying in heated environments during cold weather.

2. Antihistamines: Over-the-counter or prescription antihistamines can help reduce the allergic response and relieve itching associated with cold urticaria. These medications work by blocking the release of histamine, a chemical responsible for triggering allergic reactions.

3. EpiPen (epinephrine autoinjector): In severe cases of cold urticaria, where exposure to cold temperatures can lead to a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis, an EpiPen may be prescribed. This device contains epinephrine, which can quickly reverse the symptoms of anaphylaxis and provide temporary relief.

4. Immunosuppressants: In some cases, when other treatments fail to provide sufficient relief, immunosuppressant medications may be prescribed. These drugs work by suppressing the immune system's response to cold temperatures, reducing the severity of symptoms.

5. Desensitization therapy: This treatment approach involves gradually exposing the skin to cold temperatures in a controlled manner, aiming to desensitize the body's response over time. It is typically done under medical supervision and may help reduce the severity of symptoms in some individuals.

While these treatment options can help manage the symptoms of cold urticaria, it is important to note that the condition may persist for an extended period or even throughout a person's lifetime. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a dermatologist or allergist, to determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on individual circumstances.


Cold urticaria does not have a definitive cure, but its symptoms can be effectively managed through various treatment approaches. Avoiding cold triggers, using antihistamines, considering an EpiPen for severe cases, exploring immunosuppressants, or undergoing desensitization therapy are all potential options to alleviate the discomfort caused by cold urticaria. Consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial to determine the best course of action based on the individual's specific condition and needs.

7 answers
There is no cure for CU although some people have a remission of symptoms.

Posted Sep 24, 2018 by 6000
Not a controllable one. Some people do go into remission from this on their own.

Posted Sep 28, 2018 by Rachel 3020
There is no offical cure for CU. The only realistic way to actually cure is by rewriting the mutation in the PLCG2 gene, which is impossible to do.

Posted Oct 26, 2018 by Victoria 3550
Not that I know of although it can go away for some people.

Posted Jan 20, 2020 by Heather 2500
No https://www.healthline.com/health/cold-allergy

Posted Feb 13, 2020 by Deana 3050
There is no cure for Cold Urticaria, however some have been lucky enough that after a few years there symptoms stop and go away forever

Posted Jul 9, 2020 by Jami 1800

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Stories of Cold Urticaria

Cold Urticaria stories
Parents noticed my hives at age 5.  Got several allergy tests, including food tests.  I remember at one time they thought I was allergic to hotdogs.  Somehow they figured it out.  
Cold Urticaria stories
At age 14 I hopped out of a pool and had welts all over my body. My uncle (a Dr) said it looked like Raynaud's disease. Later a skin speciliast diagnosed it as Cold Urticaria. I tried anti-histamines for a while but hated the side effects. I prefer t...
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I developed cold urticaria after a long viral infection I believe.
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I've had OCD my whole life, but when I was 7 or 8, I started getting constant headaches. I went to lots of doctors, and they still can't figure out why I get so much unbearable headaches. Around the same time, I developed Cold Urticaria
Cold Urticaria stories
i didn't experience any symptoms of cold urticaria until I was 8 years old. I grew up in Upstate Ny and spent a lot of time playing outside and in the snow. The first time I ever had a reaction, I was sledding with a few friends, and went inside and ...

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