Story about Colloid cyst .

My Colloid Cyst Journey

Jan 26, 2016

My journey began way back in 1986, I had just had a baby and then I began having monster headaches that would knock me off of my feet.  I had two children under the age of 3 and didn't have time to stop for very long.  My headaches subsided after a couple of months though and I developed double vision.  I closed one eye and kept going.  

My husband finally told me that I should go see what was going off to my primary doctor.  When he heard my story, he started backing away from with his hands in the air, like I had the plague or worse.  He told me that he wanted me to go see a Neurosugeon and if he cleared me then to come back and he would treat me.  His office made the appointment with the the Neurosurgeon and off I went.  

Bear in mind, that I still had the notion that there was nothing too serious that was wrong with me.  My Neurosurgeon wanted to put me in the hospital just to check me out real good, was his story.  He scheduled me for a cat scan, and spinal tap.  I went down for my cat scan and come back dreading the spinal tap.  A few minutes later he appeared and as he walked in my room, he turned around and shut the door.  My husband and I froze.  He sat down and proceeded to tell me that he had cancelled the spinal tap but he had found something on the cat scan that caused him alarm.  He said that I had severe hydrocehpalus which was where my headaches were coming from.  He said that he had to get in there fast and relieve that pressure and scheduled surgery for the next week for the insertion of a shunt.  

I was shocked and very frightened.  Everytime he walked in my room, I would begin to cry.  He would say, "well, I haven't said anything yet.  I went into surgery the following week and he said that I had the worst case of hydrocephalus that he had ever treated.  The shunt worked and did its job for the next 18 years.  

I had moved to a different state in 2000 and neglected to go for my annual MRI's.  My husband started with a new employer in 2003 and when his health insurance took effect.  He insisted that I go to the Neurosurgeon.  I went to Winston-Salem, NC and was paired with a wonderful neurosurgeon by the name of Steven Tatter.  He also put me in the hospital "to run some tests" ( do you see a pattern emerging here)  He found that my cyst that had been 1.5 cm. when discovered had grew to over 3 cm. and he said that it had to come out and now.  I was the one then that started backing up from him with my hands in the air.  

I underwent brain surgery in April, 2003 and he removed the colloid cyst from the third ventricle.  My recovery was not easy, but considering the alternative, it was necessary.  I still have issues with short term memory and can't be put in stressful situations because I fold.  I depend on my husband and grown children sometimes too much, but thank goodness I have them.  My email address is [email protected] if anyone wants to contact me with questions or concerns.  

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