Question - Congenital Sucrase Isomaltase Deficiency


UHT milk

Asked 5 years ago Simone 3215


Just curious, do any of you struggle with UHT milk? I am fine with all other dairy but for some reason UHT is a no go for me.

For the life of me I can't figure out why, there are no added sugars. I'm wondering if this is a 'CSID thing' or just a 'me thing'.


Thanks in advance,

Simone. :)

5 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

No obvious connection or issues for us....lactase deficient too though so we stay clear of milk...

Answered 5 years ago Millie 10

Thought the doctors said they couldn’t find issues with lactose in my tests, all dairy is a problem. Same with oat and rice milk. My only option is lite soy milk. My specialist believes it comes down to how many enzymes fingers are missing, as I have to have a low carb diet as well. UHT milk has about 12.5g of carbs depending on the brand, so it could be how the body converts it to sugar. Hope that helps.

Answered 5 years ago Kristen 60

Yaourts and cheese are lower lactose than milk, it could be a reason.

Answered 5 years ago Maite 10

Thanks for your reply’s guys! 

Fortunately I’m good with dairy and ‘normal’ milk. Sorry to hear many of you aren’t. Maybe you’re onto something there with the carbs Kristen! 

Answered 5 years ago Simone 3215

testez la methode NAET pour lutter contre les intolerances et les allergies !!!!

NAET Treatment: What Happens? - YouTube
Answered 5 years ago Fanny 10
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