A CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome interview , Allodynia, Anxiety, Asthma, Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Degenerative Disc Disease, Depression, Dupuytrens Contracture, Fibromyalgia, Migraine, Osteoporosis.

Judy's interview

How did all start?

I fell down my stairs and broke my right wrist.

Do you already have a diagnosis? How long did it take you to get it?

I have been diagnosed many time's. It was being treated as something else and caused my condition to worsen. I was diagnosed within the first year.

What has been the most useful thing for you so far?

Pain management. I work hard at keeping my body moving. Taking baths, listening to music.

What have been your biggest difficulties?

Pain, exhaustion, lack of ability to move my hands, neck and shoulders properly. Driving.

How has your social and family environment reacted? Have your social or family relationships changed?

That is the most painful part. My family and friends not understanding/believing I am suffering. I have lost a lot of people I love.

What things have you stopped doing?

Just about everything. Depending on how my day is going. I try to do everything I used to except if it's a particularly bad day I have to cancel. I lost my job over five year's ago which devastated me.

What do you think about the future?

I try not to. I prefer to live in the present.

What would you like to do if you didn’t have your condition?

Volunteer, travel, hike , work.

If you had to describe your life in a sentence, what would it be?

Adapting. Alway's adapting.

Finally, what advice would you give to a person in a similar situation?

First of all, I'd like to say I'm very sorry. Also, if you can manage the pain, push yourself to move your body as much as you can. Think positive thoughts. Get counseling when you need it. And make sure the medical profession takes you seriously.

Nov 1, 2018

By: Judy

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