Question - CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome


Treatments for CRPS

Asked 8 years ago Pablo 1045

Hello, which are the best treatments for CRPS? They could be medications (aspirin, ibuprofen, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, nerve-blocking medication) or therapies like heat and cold, guided exercisise… Thanks

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 I am on nerve blocking agents, Lyrica and opiods, diet to decrease inflammatory is important as well

Answered 8 years ago Gail 13

Hi Pablo. There are many treatments available for RSD/CRPS. It is thought that the best way to treat CRPS is with a multidisciplinary approach.

RSDSA has set forth Practical Treatment and Diagnostic Guidelines which can be accessed here:

It is important to remember, each case is unique, and what works for one person, doesn't necessarily work for another.


Good Luck!




Answered 8 years ago Noelle Lopez 18


Answered 8 years ago Pablo 1045

Every case is so different and everyone reacts so differently to treatment and it also depends what stage you are in. You need to first find a Pain Management Doctor that you feel comfortable with that you know is well versed in CRPS. If you go to they list doctors by area. The most important piece of advice I received from my doctor in 2004 was move my arm at least 50 times a day even if it hurts. If you don't use it you will lose it. I have done that and it has definitely made a difference in the progression of my case. I have also found that the use of Epsom Salts whether it is warm soaks or the lotion on my limb is very helpful. The magnesium found in the salts is a natural healing. Do as much research and reading as you can about CRPS/RSD. Since everyone reacts so differently to treatment and I have found so much to say it's a 50/50 chance sometimes it's a hard call what to try. Make sure you are able to communicate your feelings and speak to your doctor. If I find something on the Internet I print it out and bring a copy for him to see. There are some support group on Facebook that you may find helpful seek them out and read people's comments. But always remember we are all differe nt and react differently. Best of luck to you and Gentle hugs 

Answered 8 years ago Fran Baisden 25

Hello Pablo,

We here at Weeping Angels RSD Foundation recommend a more natural route. Using heat, therapy, and there is a product called Kinesio Tape. The president of the foundation uses this in her treatment, and seems to help the most. We have heard of the nerve blocks and infusions treatments. From research we have conducted the nerve blocks/infusions have had little effect on most patients and in some cases caused it to spread. Now, each person is different and has to make up there own decision.  But, we do not recommend that route. For medications consult your doctor first of course, but we would recommend narotin as one that has worked for many patients in the states. One thing that is important do not use cold packs, tey spread crps/rsd faster through out the body. If you ever need support or have more questions feel free to ask us. We are located on facebook, qnd other social media platforms. We always welcome any one that needa advice.




Answered 8 years ago Weeping Angels RSD Foundation 20

The Rush Pain Clinic developed a protol that starts with a series of pain injections over a period of weeks. They start with Bier Blocks, if they help they continue, if not, they move onto another type. There is an entire science behind this of trying to close the pain pathways again and reverse or partially reverse the disease. They follow that with medications and other therapies as needed. You really need to be seen by a top notch physician.  Where are you located?

Answered 8 years ago Sheryl Donnell 42

Pablo - each and every person requires their own "mixture of medications" to find what works best for them. Personally, I have h)ad Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy for 40 years and have gone through most all!! 

Generally, a medication to help with the burning is prescribed. It may be neurontin (gabapentin), topomax, zonegran or lyrica or such. Must doctors recommend an antidepressant (celexa is a common on - but there are tons!) as this disease process most often br ngs depression with it. Many will prescribe a pain medication, some may prescribe antianxiety medications. There's even ketamine used to treat it.


There re are many types of nerve blocks that can be tried. Spinal cord stimulators may be an option - if considering one - RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH the doctor doing the procedure! Some people need drug pumps...


Please take information and research ANYA treatment! Do not believe that because so-and-so did this or that - it is what you need to do or what will work for you.  Any and all information found on the Internet is simply that -- information. Only you and your our doctor can find what will work best for your treatment. persobally, I have 2 spinal cord stimulators which helped my tremendously for years. I had a drug pump (I won't do that again)... But the BEST treatment that has worked for me PERSONALLY was Calmare treatnent with Dr Michael Cooney in New Jersey. 


Each of of us respond differently to each treatment. I am a Registered Nurse and you will only recieve information from me re what my personal experience has been or what side effects or potential outcomes could be from drugs or treatments. Please take that advice from all you read and/or hear regarding how Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy should be treated!!

Answered 8 years ago Dianne 22

The RSDSA.ORG has a list of Dr's experienced in treating RSDS. I have a dilaudid medtronic pump, I take nucynta for break through pain, lyrica for pins and needles, cymbalta, and relpax for migraines. I recently did three Stellate Ganglion Blocks for the rsds that spread to my arm which did not work. And I will be starting therapy in feb. Everyone is so different but it is very important to find a good knowledgeable doctor.

Answered 8 years ago Tracee 12

In my opinion I would suggest Ketamine infusions high dose . The Calmare treatments can also be a beneficial candidate for you non jnvasive.


Answered 7 years ago Angela 452

Calmare treatments  hyperbaric chamber ketamine infusion or the ketamine coma.


Answered 7 years ago Angela 452
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