cyclic neutropenia

Apr 24, 2019

Year Condition Began: 1964

Hi, I have cyclical or cyclic neutropenia for years. Its weird I don't have the elaine gene, but through my life experienced the Canker Sores hugh and would last 2 weeks such pain after many years now at 55 I don't get them any more, I just try to eat as healthy as possible being too stressed out doesn't help so do yoga or some fitness routine, I also eat foods in the purest form not all of coarse I always have in and out and a hot dog and sweets but than during the week I eat pure food just I feel like it makes me feel strong, I also would get extreme fatique from my work as a hairstylist all physical job, gosh if I were to do it again never do it full time, wore my body out, maybe just 3 days, but to make a schedule for yourself your not pushing your limits and pleasing people or clients and squeezing another one in, and I just wouldn't tell people you have the problem I shouldn't have , cause than people think they will get the disease, so I would work 4 days on my feet and stay in bed 2 days to recouperate and I know not only was I not sleeping well which didn't help but I think neutropenia played a part. Try to eat well. best advice, and stay out of stress with people . Im ok now at almost 55, and hopefully you will be too rest rest rest, oh and I don't drink maybe once in a while red wine.

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