Story about Cyclic vomiting syndrome .

I still live a blessed life.

Feb 4, 2016

By: Andrew

My name is Andrew J. Williams. Most call me Drew and if theyre blood AJ. I was diagnosed with CVS in late 2005- early 2006. To say it bluntly, Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome has made life not an easy task. I went to school for automotive repair and have been let go from every Job (including work as a mechanic) due to my chronic routine of calling out of work because of the reaccuring episodes. The woman I loved ended up becoming too over whelmed with my health issues and left. Which sent me into a downward of spiral of depression and bad health. Since 2009 I have been trying to get a real handle on my health. It been a rough ride but thank god for good friends and family. I dont know what I would do without them. My life consist of multiple visit to the ER with the occasional time of being admitted. When I'm not sick, Im usaully resting trying to get my strength back......The last few years I have been lucky enough to see a specialist at UCLA for CVS. His name is Dr. Meyers and hes a true hero. When I first started going to him I had episodes every 1 - 2 weeks. Rencently, after many medication changes, I have gone from 1-2 6-8 and have high hopes for even longer remission times. Diet change and avoiding stressful people and situiation has been key to feeling better. Before the new set of meds I woke up everday with terrible throbbing nausea that usually ended up with an episode after 4 days of battling one. I am a Cannabis user. Both my neurologist, general health dr and specialist have had me quite using cannabis a long lenths. Twice in 6 months intervals and once for 9 months. Nothing changed ...If anything I became more sick...more anxious and had to use nausea meds more often that had terrible side effects. Cannabis use improves my day to day life plaining and simple. IT helps with the anxiety, the nausea, the restless sleep and stimulates my appetite when it seems to be in a knot.  Other issues I have are seizures. They are brought on by dehydration from long vomiting boutes. Im happy to say though I have been seizure free for almost 2 years now. Only after many medications changes, terrible side effects from them and really making sure I go straight to the ER when a full on cycle starts. Even with all these issues I am extremely greatful for what I do have. I have apsolutely amazing Parents, the best brother in the world, loyal pets and friends that are truely family. I just hope someday I can find someone that sees me for more then just a nice guy with alot of health issues. 

                                                  Andrew Williams 

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