Which are the symptoms of Depersonalization Disorder?

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Depersonalization Disorder symptoms

Symptoms of Depersonalization Disorder

Depersonalization Disorder is a dissociative disorder characterized by persistent and distressing feelings of detachment from oneself or one's surroundings. Individuals with this disorder often describe feeling as though they are observing themselves from outside their body or living in a dream-like state. The symptoms of Depersonalization Disorder can vary in intensity and duration, but they typically have a significant impact on the individual's daily life and functioning.

1. Persistent feelings of detachment

One of the primary symptoms of Depersonalization Disorder is a persistent and overwhelming sense of detachment from oneself. Individuals may feel as though they are an outside observer of their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. This detachment can lead to a sense of unreality and disconnection from one's own identity.

2. Distorted perception of self and surroundings

People with Depersonalization Disorder often experience a distorted perception of themselves and their surroundings. They may feel as though they are in a fog or living in a dream-like state. This altered perception can make it difficult to engage with the world around them and may lead to feelings of confusion and disorientation.

3. Emotional numbness

Individuals with Depersonalization Disorder frequently report a sense of emotional numbness or a reduced ability to experience emotions. They may feel disconnected from their own feelings and have difficulty connecting with others on an emotional level. This emotional blunting can contribute to a sense of emptiness and isolation.

4. Memory and concentration difficulties

Depersonalization Disorder can also impact cognitive functioning. Many individuals with this disorder experience difficulties with memory and concentration. They may have trouble focusing on tasks or recalling important information, which can further impair their ability to function effectively in daily life.

5. Anxiety and distress

The symptoms of Depersonalization Disorder often cause significant distress and anxiety. Individuals may worry about their mental health, question their sense of reality, or fear that they are losing touch with themselves. This anxiety can further exacerbate the symptoms and create a cycle of distress.

6. Impact on daily life

Depersonalization Disorder can have a profound impact on an individual's daily life. The persistent feelings of detachment and altered perception can make it challenging to engage in work, school, or social activities. Relationships may suffer as individuals struggle to connect emotionally with others, and they may withdraw from social interactions to avoid triggering their symptoms.

It is important to note that the symptoms of Depersonalization Disorder can vary from person to person, and not everyone will experience the same intensity or combination of symptoms. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it is crucial to seek professional help from a mental health provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

6 answers
The most limiting thing about dp from my experience, is the constant realization that you are alone, you see people, you see your arms your life and it's not quite yours, it really makes you want to just close yourself off from everything
And if get rid of all of my symptoms, but the first one would be the weird vision

Posted May 17, 2017 by Kyle 1000
Auto-pilot mode
Lack of communication

Posted May 17, 2017 by Andrea 150
Alienation from surroundings, emotional numbing, mind emptiness/no thoughts/thousand mile stare, existential dread/terror

Posted Aug 21, 2018 by Felix 1150
The symptoms of depersonalization disorder, in my experience, is so vast it’s insane! Like other dissociative disorders, the symptoms vary greatly from person to person and tend to differ over time. Official symptoms include detatchment/feelings of unreality from the self (depersonalization) and detachments/feelings of unreality from your surroundings (derealization). Other symptoms i’ve experienced, or heard of include:
- Identity confusion/feeling of a loss of personality
- Intrusive or obsessive existential thoughts
- Intense fears of losing ones mind/«going crazy»
- Visual disturbances (floaters, afterimages, streaks of light, visual snow, static vision etc..)
- Distorted sense of time
- Cognitive impairments - Memory problems and such
- Brain fog due to anxiety
- Jamais vu and deja vu
- Feeling like you’re living in a dream/feeling like everything is fake/feeling «dead/nonexistent»
And that’s just to name a few. I’ve heard of countless strange individual symptoms in the same range as the «detachment of the self/world» that can all be explained by depersonalization-derealization disorder. BUT it’s very important to note that during all of this, your reality testing remains intact, although impired at times, you know deep down that what you’re experiencing isn’t «normal»

Posted Jul 15, 2021 by ella 400
Translated from spanish Improve translation
The person with the Disorder of Depersonalization and Desrealización you experience feelings of strangeness with respect to himself or herself (depersonalization), and feelings of strangeness with everything that is not your person (desrealización).
With respect to itself means your body, your mind, or your self, your self, and your personality. The experience of strangeness can occur in one of these elements, or more than one, or all. The affected person may suffer from these experiences one time in your life for a moment, or all your life, permanently. Between these two extremes, there is a whole range or spectrum.
Each depersonalised lives to this evil in their own way. There are those who do not feel their own existence, there are those who feel like ghosts, there are those who feel as if they were drawings.
The desrealización is feeling strange everything external to the self. And accompanies depersonalization. There are those who feel that nothing I perceive is real, that everything what you are dreaming, that everything is drawn, or who are trapped in a dimension ghost.

Posted Jul 28, 2017 by Ana 1250

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Depersonalization Disorder stories
In July, I had a panic attack that lasted 3 days. My boyfriend has a problem with anger, to the point where he lets it build up until he dissociates completely. He has never hit me nor yelled at me, but I've watched him break his hand multiple times ...
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Hello everyone, First of all I want to apologize for my broken English because I come from France and I think I'll have some difficulty expressing myself to tell my story! If I'm here, it's because I'm a little (ok completely) worried about what is...
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I don't really know when it started. It feels like it's been manifesting itself in me for my whole life. I can't actually remember ever recognizing myself in the mirror. I've struggled with anxiety my whole life, but instead of reacting with a panic ...
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Dont really know what to say or where to begin. Who i am is a mystery that one day id like to solve before there is no me anymore.

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