Story about Diabetes .

T1D Doesn't define you, you define it!

Dec 2, 2

By: Alan G

Hi I'm Alan. I'm the Chair for the outreach program with JDRF in the Montreal region and proud of it.

I first became a T1D at age 9 in Germany when checking your sugar ment checking it in your urine not your blood and trying to match the color.  Glass Siringes we the norm and the A1C test didn't exist.  Eating what and when  you wanted was not an option.

Today we have made vast improvements in T1D management and how we perceive it and how others perceive it.  

Back in the early 70's it was not the norm to have T1D run a thiathalon or even try.  You were told to exercise but not too much so that your sugar levels wouldn't fall to much.

Before T1D defined you, But today you define your own T1D and how you want to live with it.

I run 1/2 marathons and will be training for my first full marathon this year.  My daughter who is a T1D now for the past 5 yrs is a Competitive Gymist who trains 14 hours a week. She's only 13.

If you are looking for advise or just some encouragement, send me an email and i'll be happy to help you out, no matter where in the world you are.

PS I speak and write french as well. :)




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Well written, Alan!


You're an inspiration and definitely a great guy to reach out to for support.

Commented 7 years ago Adam 11

Thanks, Adam :)

Commented 7 years ago Alan G 313

I certainly can relate to this. Also diagnosed on my 9th birthday.  Back when things were pretty antiquated.  Thankfully, there have been many advancements since then. Love my insulin pump!  

Commented 7 years ago Karen 21

I'm glad you can relate.  Thanks for your R comments


Commented 7 years ago Alan G 313

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