Story about Diabetes .

15 years of diabetes

Dec 2, 2

By: Olivia M

January 9th 2000 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. 


4. You don't really understand what's happening. You hear the doctors say needles and blood but you're still too young to know this will change your life forever. The week you spend in the hospital you'll take over the playroom and get so many Pokemon colouring books. I know you're scared but its okay. I promise 15 years from now you'll still be okay.


5. You won't get to eat any treats at the class Christmas party. But your teacher buys you a stuffed animal instead. That little dog is the one you give to your little brother years later when he has nightmares. That little dog will still be in his room when he's older.


6. I know you would have just met your diabetes team but I swear these people will become your second family. You will be so thankful for your amazing team that is always there for you. Ps you cry when they start to retire


7. You're going to stay inside every morning recess to eat your snack. You'll hate it. Until the snow starts to fall, then you'll love staying inside and watching everyone else freeze.


8. You're going to camp for the first time. You'll find out that you aren't the only one and it will change your life. You'll learn how to take needles yourself, and you'll make new friends. Also you'll loose a tooth from being hit in the face with a tetherball. You'll have so much fun but when you get home you'll say it was terrible and refuse to ever go back.


9. You're not invited to a birthday party because they don't know how to handle your diabetes. Don't worry you never forget and never invite her to any of yours.


10. You'll get very sick. After throwing up so many times you'll go to the hospital and get your first iv. You won't like your diabetes too much at this point. But mom lets you stay home from school the next day so maybe it's not so bad.


11. You'll go to Disney with your family. Your room gets upgraded so you're closer to the food place. This means closer to the fun parts of the resort. Thank you diabetes.


12. Some kid won't trade you his chips for your chocolate milk because he thinks diabetes is contagious. You kick him and call him stupid. Your friend switches with you instead.


13. You'll meet your future best friend during a trip with your diabetes group. I know you'll think she's kinda weird now but I swear she'll be your rock through highschool. You won't be able to imagine your life without her.


14. You'll go low during the terry fox run at school. You sit inside with your friend and watch everyone else walk laps. And just maybe you'll sit inside until the whole thing is over.


15. You go to camp again (your third time now) and love it all beside trip. You'll always hate trip. But the burn bracelet you get with your chalet 4 cabin will still be on your wrist 4 years later.


16. You meet george canyon. He calls you hun, he says that he loves your name and you swoon a little. This will be one of the coolest moments that having diabetes has given you.


17. You'll work your first full summer at camp. It is the best summer of your life. 


18. You start college in the fall. You go low during the first week and are too scared to leave the class and buy juice. You're shaking so bad that you can't write your notes. Thankfully your friend buys you juice and waits outside your class until you can manage to walk to the door. You start to carry juice with you at all times and it is the best decision you've made.


19. 2015. I've long since accepted my diabetes and seen the amazing things its brought to my life.  There have been ups and downs, very good moments and very bad ones. Memories, experiences and people I wouldn't have if I hadn't of had this disease. 15 and I am damn proud of that number. 


Happy diaversary to me

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