Question - Dysautonomia / POTS


Renal damage?

Asked 7 years ago Angie Giles 91

I have renal damage. Hypotension may have caused it. Anyone else?

2 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Hello my name is Brian, I have hypertension caused my hyperadrenic pots. It depends how severe the damage is. However I have damaged muskeg because of sever hypertension crisis and have managed to reverse it. That is to say, you have to drink fluids regularly and rest up. Sorry I can't be more help 

Answered 7 years ago Brian 10

I got my POTS from kidney problems and because of my POTS I've had two or three more kidney infections in the last year.

Answered 7 years ago Cheyenne 10
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