Question - Ehlers Danlos


Anyone else with VEDS?

Asked 7 years ago andrewroose 20

Looking for other diagnosed VEDS.

2 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Hi Andrew.  My mother recently died from what we believe were complications that make us suspect VEDS. I've since had blood tests for VEDS (I'm already dx with EDS) and I'm being tested for TNXB EDS (which, personally I think is more likely).  So now we wait for results.... 

Answered 7 years ago Sarah 25

I am almost 42 years old and was just diagnosed 2 years ago- I've had 31 surgeries-which I now know I didn't need or should not have had- caused many complications and always led me to more problems.  I have vascular EDS and just this past year started having heart/vascular issues.  I don't have a lot of experience and I'm constantly searching for information- I believe my mom had EDS-V her whole life and was never diagnosed and her first cousin passed from EDS related issues at a young age so you can imagine I'm trying my best to stay aware and learn as much as I can - thanks, Sandee


Answered 7 years ago Sandee 14
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