A Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity interview , Deaf People.

Kati S's interview

How did all start?

Probably EHS started the day I sat in front of the computer for long hours. I was unaware of the real dangers monitors and electrical devices close to the body could be harmful. Then I bought the first cellphone at 1999 and a digital Wacom tablet. Since then I was battling with headaches and stomach disorders, like cramps, bloating, spams. One day i moved my desk and didn't turn on the tablet then my stomach area felt good. It was the first time I noticed it was something external that was affecting me. Then it has been long years to connect the dots until I was unable to use a cellphone again.

Do you already have a diagnosis? How long did it take you to get it?

I don't have a medical diagnosis cause EHS, the 21st century's electricity and microwave disease is something new and in my country there is no a proper diagnostic of it. I told some people in a internet group I can't use my cellphone. I got heart trouble (arrhythmia or tachycardia), headaches and dizziness and a lot of sickness when I use it, then I found it I have this condition. It took me like 15 years to know it.

For what medical specialties have you been treated? What has been the most useful specialty for your?

Cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist. I almost spend my whole money going from one doctor to another. No one has helped me the most like the Internets communal knowledge. Now the EHS is very low. I've almost reborn.

What has been the most useful thing for you so far?

SUN. Daily sunbathing for some hours when I was in my worst stage, with chronic fatigue, hypothyroidism and 0 energy. Those malignant wireless frequencies depletes your own energy, they destroy your mitochondria and nerves strength. You need to protect from man-made electromagnetic frequencies. We have evolved on millennia with sun and cosmic radiation, but this is very new. Body get so confused because your primal defense system (your skin) can't realize what's going on until you fall. Sun nurture and protect mitochondria from this, besides a good real nutrition. Modern-Paleo kind my fav.

What have been your biggest difficulties?

Living in a city where Wireless is all over. This disease is not like having an infection. In that case you take a pill and is done. No, in this case you can't find a place to protect and that increases the damage in your cells. You can't sleep because of all those radiation coming from neighbors all day long. This problem is external, it's a electrosmog. EHS sufferers main problem is not knowing where to do because we live in this radiation soup. Minimal but constant 24/7.

How has your social and family environment reacted? Have your social or family relationships changed?

Family was kind of supportive but until certain point. Because all we are so attached to our cellphones at this day. Cellphones are like a plague now. People is addicted, they suffer if they loose them, similar to cold turkey. Not only family relationships changed. When you feel very sick of this you can't socialize like you have done before because not affected people use cellphones still. But this is increasing all over. Groups with people suffering from this is growing in each country, more in crowded cities with this technology around, sadly. Another thing related this is the trouble I get communicating with people as I have loos a lot of my hearing due to this. Not socializing like I used to do is still hard.

What things have you stopped doing?

Using cellphone to start. I was unable, my heart almost collapsed every time. I stopped leaving my house for a long period. I was unable to work until I recovered because I was unable to work on computer again and to do some effort because of the chronic fatigue. But I'm much better now and I'm working again, not like a workaholic again but much more conscious about what is more important in life.

What do you think about the future?

Future doesn't look so nice because people is crying for more speed and apps. They are so attached to cellphones devices that we are coming to a difficult times when many more is fatigued and with a lot of neuromuscular diseases. Fybromialgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, thyroid and glands issues, tinnitus, hearing loss, brain problems are all related. Our nerves and cells are struggling because of these unnatural frequencies. We are electrical beings, no cell of your body works without it. So, what's going on when you put foreign frequencies that cross those naturals one? Disease. I don't see a good scenario in the future but more affected people. In some way this is somewhat good cause only pain do the change. 5G is out there soon, we will see.

What would you like to do if you didn’t have your condition?

It's hard because of the sequels. Mainly hearing loss and tinnitus that makes hard to communicate with people like before. So, to me this is the most profound loss. Listening music like I did before, probably.

If you had to describe your life in a sentence, what would it be?

A survivor from electrosmog, wireless techonology. I do my best effort and I still have my inner light.

Finally, what advice would you give to a person in a similar situation?

This illness is a life challenge. You can overcome the pain and the fatigue caused by this. Sun is you most valuable allied. Sun gives you frequencies of life for free. Nurture yourself and stop using cellphone and wireless. It's a must to recover.

May 30, 2019

By: Kati S

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