Story about Endometriosis .

Getting my life back

Dec 13, 2015

By: Lynda

im 25, married, have zero children and am currently going through menopause-yes, the real thing. I'll start at the beginning. I had to get a fourth knee surgery in August 2013. I ended up getting two blood clots from this surgery, one in the leg, one in the lung. So I had to get off birth control because the risk of more blood clots was high. In November of 2013 I got my first ovarian cyst ever. It was hemorrhagic, and at least 7.5 cm big. Super painful!! The Drs told me it would go did, but I got another one in January 2014. Then that went away and I got another in February 2014. I realized this new cycle, I would get a big blood filled cyst every month around the time of ovulation and it would go away the second day of my period, which made two weeks out of the month where I'd be in a lot of pain and nauseous. I then had another really big cyst where I met an obgyn named borello. He wanted to test me for a blood clotting disorder. Sure enough, I had a genetic blood clotting disorder called Leiden factor five. I couldn't take hormones ever, the risk of blood clotting was too high. Borello wanted to do a laparascopy on me. He confirmed in August 2014 that I had stage two endometriosis. I had adhesions pulling my tube and ovary down and cysts inside my tubes. Not even a month later, I got a massive cyst again...only it was worse, it ruptured. So there's a bunch of blood flowing in my pelvic area-very painful. My periods were awful. I couldn't work, I'd be so sick. Drs solutions were to get pregnant. We had been trying for a year and realizing that there was a possibility I was infertile. Drs then put me in a pain clinic. They wouldn't give me a total hysterectomy because I was too young and had zero children. I began getting multiple cysts on both ovaries each month and going to the ER once or twice a month for pain control. Finally my mum refers me to her obgyn, I decide to give it one more shot because I was ready to give up on everything, I was asking God to kill me rather than live with this pain. I saw dr. Benham here in southern Utah. He said my situation is complicated because I can't take hormones and the clotting disorder. He agreed that I needed the total, everything out hysterectomy. First he wanted to put me on lupron for six months to get my pain meds down. I only did lupron for four months because I was still in pain from the endometriosis on the shot. I got my total hysterectomy done on September 16 2015. After my recovery was done in November I finally felt well enough to work again. Yes, menopause sucks, and yes I'm depressed that I can't have kids, but the hysterectomy didn't cause my infertility, the disease of endometriosis and ovarian cysts did. Thanks to dr. Benham performing my total hysterectomy, I have my life back!

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