ICD10 code of Essential Tremor and ICD9 code

What is the ICD10 code for Essential Tremor? And the ICD9 code for Essential Tremor?

ICD9 and ICD10 codes of Essential Tremor

Essential Tremor is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary shaking movements, typically affecting the hands, but can also involve the head, voice, or other body parts. The ICD-10 code for Essential Tremor is R25.2. In the previous coding system, ICD-9, the code for Essential Tremor was 333.1. These codes are used for medical billing and documentation purposes to accurately identify and classify the condition.
Essential Tremor is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary rhythmic shaking of certain body parts, most commonly the hands. In the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10), the code for Essential Tremor is G25.0. This code falls under the category "Other extrapyramidal and movement disorders" in the ICD-10 coding system.

In the previous edition, the ICD-9, Essential Tremor was classified under the broader category of "Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs." The specific code for Essential Tremor in ICD-9 is 333.1. It is important to note that the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 occurred in October 2015, and healthcare providers are now required to use the ICD-10 coding system for accurate and detailed documentation of diagnoses.

By providing these codes, healthcare professionals can effectively communicate and identify Essential Tremor in medical records, facilitating appropriate treatment and research efforts.
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Stories of Essential Tremor

Essential Tremor stories
I am having et till from my childhood.its increasing with my age.Its badly affected my confidence.
Essential Tremor stories
Hi In the1970ish i found out I had Essential Tremors neck an hands  in which I inherited  through my grandmother an aunt on my dad side they had me on meds to help but the more I stressed or the more I was nervous  the worst it got in the early �...

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