Question - Fibromyalgia


Alternative treatments?

Asked 8 years ago Naiara 93

I would like to aks about alternative tretatments for fibromyalgia... has anyone experienced improvements with acupunture, meditation, ...?? Thanks

5 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

I have had great success with acupuncture but you have to find someone who really knows what they are doing (the hard part). Once you do, they can really help. I did not do any of the herbs or other things because they can interact with meds and are not tested for purity and safety. I got great relief. I know have another form of Chronic pain that I am considering going back for.

Answered 8 years ago Sheryl Donnell 42

No but I have With LDN. Go to facebook and look up LDNcanhelp. I post some info that can help you. 


Answered 8 years ago Carmen Curry 10

Hi I have had great relief with Buhner's herbs.  His book is called 'Healing Lyme'.  Cutting out gluten, lactose and sugar has made a big difference to my neck and back pain.

Hope this helps.




Answered 8 years ago elaine 25

I tried acupuncture but sadly it made my fibro pain go through the roof! I tried it a few times to make sure it was the acupuncture that was causing a flare up. Every time I had it, it was followed by a period of increased tenderness and pain, so for me, it's a no go!!

Answered 8 years ago Massey 15

I have multiple conditions and get Chiropractic, Massage and Acupuncture. The FM pain is helped by them all in different ways.

Chiropractic - the gentle Mctimoney Chiropractic helps with the stiff neck and headaches. Try to find ine who does cranial chiropractic and myofacial release if you get the very tender head spots. This type also corrects the rest of the body which I find very helpful, but I have hypermobility, which is common in FM.

Massage - I have found a very good massage therapist who does sports and trigger point massage. These massages aren’t fun. They hurt! But its good hurt, and helps very much long term.

acupuncture - the actual acupuncture doesnt help the FM much, but the cupping is very helpful for me. If you find you can never get a massage deep enough, this may well help you too.

So yes they help, but you need to find the right type of each treatment. I also recommend you choose just one, and do that for a year before considering adding another one, or you wont know which treatment is worth you sticking with.

Answered 6 years ago Kristin 5220
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