Question - Fibromyalgia


Does this condition get worse.

Asked 7 years ago Julia 20

I feel it is getting worse over the past couple of years

8 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

I've learned that Fibromyalgia is really more of a collection of symptoms caused by either chronic infections, low thyroid hormones or other hormonal imbalance, etc. vs being a disease in and of itself that requires special treatment.  It's a common catch all diagnosis given to you when your doctor no longer wants to search for the root cause of your pain and treat that instead of just medicating your symptom (the pain)  When your doc can't find a logical medical cause for your pain such as injury or medical illness they simply diagnose Fibromyalgia much of the time and medicate you, when the real cause is often still out there and perfectly treatable, but would require more diagnostic testing and legwork than they are willing to do. 


If you truly want to rid yourself once and for all of the constant pain and fatigue of Fibromyalgia, seek out an Integrative Medicine Doctor who will balance hormones and test for chronic infections like Lyme disease, chronic Candida and Epstein Barr infection, as well as address any underlying issues such as food in tolerances driving inflammation, etc. That's what has reversed my Fibromyalgia from daily pain and disability to a once in a blue moon flare of pain. I no longer take meds daily since treating Lyme disease, optimizing my thyroid and sex hormone levels and addressing the hidden food intolerances I had that I didn't know I had. I was eating foods that were causing me huge amounts of inflammation daily, and I didn't even know it! That was a huge portion of my daily pain. Changing my diet wasn't easy but it improved my pain a ton. Treating the infections helped the rest of the way as well as improving the hormone levels (and no, TSH only testing for thyroid and Synthroid is not adequately fixing your poor thyroid function either!) 

Answered 7 years ago TravlRN6 15

For me it depends on what triggers the fibro flare. Some are worse than others and some triggers make flares worse than others. I wouldn't say it necessarily gets worse per se, however, it can become more "active" at times than others. Inactive as well. Knowing your triggers makes a world of difference and sometimes triggers can change from day to day as well. Hope this helps.

Answered 7 years ago Faith 10

Fibromyalgia is such a hard condition because it affects each of us so differently!  In other on-line sites and postings, I have read where some people feel that their Fibro does get worse over time.

As for myself, I am now easily into my 2nd year with symptoms that would still be considered a "flare".  I have finally found a pain medicine that I can take to assist with taking the edge off....however, my doctors have all said they doubt that I will ever be able to work or regain much more mobility.

Take time to examine your current circumstances. Is there more stress in your life? Are you experiencing other health issues/conditions? These can easily make your Fibro worse....

Answered 7 years ago SLD 30

I was diagnosed in 2008. Over time I experience bouts of extreme fatigue lasting weeks at a time. I don't get a great number of fibro flares as such but I have noticed that when I do experience increased pain it effects me for longer and greatly lessens my balance of all things. I tend to bump into things more during times of increased pain. It's almost as if my body is consent rating so much of its recourses on fighting pain that it forgets everything else.

Also increased bouts of memory lapse and lacks in concentration.

Bit I must stress that allthough each of us will experience worsening symptoms as some time these may only be temporary for some whereas for others they may be permanent. 

I listen to my body, making note of symptoms and changes on symptoms. Also taking note of how long the symptoms last, the effect and depth of pain and triggers etc.

There is sometimes a pattern cycle to the symptoms. Known as a pain cycle. Gradually you may find the pattern and this will help you in building a plan of control that suits your particular symptoms.

It took me a few years but I now understand my pain cycle and can adjust my daily life to accommodate it rather than let it rule my life.



Answered 7 years ago Louise cassidy 10

Fibromyalgia is a different disease for every person who has it. There are so many symptoms over 60 .

I don't know what causes it, but I think it's a collection of disorders. Including hormones, and  thyroid problems. I'm also leaning towards ebson Barr. It makes sense.what matters most is find a Dr that wants to help you find relief. If a Dr doesn't believe you, get up and leave, they won't help you.

im wishing you good health, don't stop looking till you find that help.

best luck Michelle Lumadue

Answered 7 years ago Michelle 10

My short answer is that I think it more morphs over time. I am on 16 years with it. Some syptoms come and go, others are there all the time. But it is ever changing to me.

Answered 7 years ago kellyckendall 30

Hi Julia

All the answers above are very accurate and helpful to you so please take note and do what you can to take control of the disorder and your Doctors. Here in Australia Fibro is known as an auto immune disorder. We don't recognise Lymes disease so that makes it difficult. I was told at the beginning that I had contracted Epstein Barr and would have that virus in my system forever. That was in 1993 so a long time ago. I have developed severe tremors over the last 10 years that look like Parkinsons disease which apparantly come about when I push myself too hard or am under extreme stress (This is happening at the moment so I now need to completely rest until the symtons are gone sometimes a week or more) I'm telling you this to prepare you that there doesn't seem to be rhyme or reason sometimes but stay positive and in control of your diet and surrounding, relax when you need to sleep when you need to eat really healthy food but don't go over the top it's a very fine line but in time you will find your balance. Oh if you can afford private health care please sign up. Massages, water therapy, and other benefits are things we can't afford when we can't work or have no support. Good luck and take care of yourself first and always.

Answered 7 years ago Trisha 20

Hi Julie!  All the answers you have been given are very informative and great.  And as each has said, we are all different, react different to our surrounding circumstances and over doing it, stress, can be a trigger and cause a flare.  The hardest adjustment that I have had to make is moderation.  On the days I feel good, I do way too much.  Which of course if followed by a crash.  Balance and sometimes planning has to be taken into consideration.

But you asked if it gets worse.  Sadly for some it does.  But again, everyone is different.  I was diagnosed in 2008 and had the worst doctor.  He poked and prodded and when I yelped in pain, he finally said "yup, Fibromyalgia."  No information or what to do about it.  Needless to say I have a new doctor.  Having one that really cares and listens to you is very important.  Never give up trying to find one.  If you feel you might be getting worse, talk to your doctor and explain the changes you have been feeling.  Maybe there is something else going on that the "bag of Fibro tricks" (as I call the annoying disease/syndrome or whatever they want to call it) is adding to your symptoms.  Don't despair, don't worry or get yourself stressed out about what else could happen.  Just face today, gauge what you can/can't do for the day and if you have to lie down (always listen to what your body tells you), then you lie down.  Think of it as recovery time.  It is NOT and NEVER has been about being lazy and don't let anyone make you feel guilty about what you do or don't accomplish in a day!  

Take heart sweety and know there are lots out there going through the same frustrations/fears of Fibro but don't ever let it get you down.  I hope this helps.


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