Story about Fluoroquinolone Toxicity .

Wrong diagnose and uneducated PA

Jan 29, 2017

I finally went to the Dr because I was running high fever for a week and missing work, I don't go to Doctors. The PA looked at me as my face was red from fever and without any exam said "I Had a raging sinus infection"  she then took my temp and said I needed an antibiotic. I told her I was allergic to any I had ever taken in the old days. She informed me it was mild and only five pills and sent me on my way.  I took all five and still felt awful only to get worse, three weeks later as I am tough I started getting sicker, I broke out in a rash on both legs and went back to Doctor who informed me I was a medical mystery. They ran tests, told me I had had the Fifths disease and it was a virus not an infection ( I didn't need an antibiotic) They did biopsies on my legs and temporal veins and all kinds of stupid tests that were always negative.  They diagnosed me with RA, Lupus, Polymyalgia Rhumatica. And then Fibromyalgia. After the run around I figured out myself from research online. And then went to Naturopatic Doctor who got me on path of healthy eating and Magnesium and healing my Mitocondia. I am able to walk again, I didn't move for the first nine months. the Doctors also put me on Prednisone. My whole world changed after those five pills. I still have no strength like I used to. I hurt all the time. My endurance is gone. My eyesight has diminished, everything hurts, did I say that already. And I get hives all the time for no real reason that I can figure out. I can't stand for hours at a time like my job required. I have had my life taken away from me by Big Pharma.

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