Story about Gestational trophoblastic disease .

Young and affected!

Jun 9, 2016

January 14th of 2013 was the best day in our lives. My fiancé and I gave birth to our beautiful daughter. I was then put on birth control. In June of 2014 I had my first molar pregnancy. Four months later. October 24 2014 I went in to the hospital because I was bloated 3 times my normal size throwing up blood and if I laid down or to straight I would feel an electronic shock threw my body. It was horrible. I had a d&c and lost 7 pints on blood the doctors thought they were going to loose me.  I was diagnosed with choriocarcinoma. By January my levels were down to 17. They started going back up and I was switched over to another chemo. My levels started dropping again. Then in June of 2015 my levels were going back up. They switched me to a 5 regimen chemo with something that temporarily shuts down your overies. October 22 2015 I was asked to come in for an emergency appointment. My doctor then told me I was 5 months pregnant. He sent me for an ultrasound and I found out I was pregnant with a baby boy! On October 25 exactly 2 years and 1 day after I was diagnosed with choriocarcinoma my fiancé and I lost our son Grayson Maxwell. While waiting to come home i had been given 3 bags of blood. Now it's been 8 months since he's been gone, but also 8 months of my levels being undetectable!

I am officially in remission.

I have 3 angel babies watching over me and my family!

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