Story about Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA) .

Done chasing rabbits!

Jul 25, 2018

By: Cara H

Year Condition Began: 2018

My journey with this monster of a disease started out in March 2018 with ear problems and quickly persisted into all of my joints rendering me disabled and having to leave work after a month of hobbling around campus like an old woman. I finally tapped out in May. Eventually got a blood test at my primary doctors office and she quickly referred me to a rheumatologist who then proceeded to run his own test and diagnose me for first lupus, second rheumatoid arthritis. He prescribed me tons of different medications that never relieved the excruciating pain I was living in misery until one day I started coughing up blood went to the emergency room and voila! One kidney biopsy later and I got my final. confirmed. legitimate. diagnosis of Wegener's granulomatosis and now me and prednisone and chemo and 4 other pills are living happily ever after! I have severe limitations and irreversible, neurological damage from going just 2 months undiagnosed with this fatal disease. My complete life has changed from what it used to be I am not who I am. I am a Weggie. The name is fitting.

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