Story about Greig Cephalopolysyndactyly Syndrome , Greig Cephalopolysyndactyly Syndrome.

Alexzander Browns Story on GPCS

Oct 18, 2018

Year Condition Began: 2013

Alexander Brown was born on March 11, 2013 at Salem Hospital at 11:55 PM natural birth weighing in at 8 lbs. 9 oz. 26 1/2 inches long he was born with six fingers on the left-hand five fingers on the right with a nub that shows that there was an additional finger And his feet he was born with six toes on 1 foot which gave him an extra big toe and on the other foot he was born with seven which gave him an extra big him a extra big toe as well as a pinky toes too. As well as webbing on all toes on both feet. Alex was born with a bossing forbears As well as a high hair line. At six months old Alex would go in for surgery for removal of the toes which consisted of reconstructive surgery. Upon going in for surgery Alex has her own into distress the surgery was stopped immediately with then left the hospital and the doctor told us to come back in six months he didn’t know what had caused it but didn’t want to take any chances where he was so little he felt that it was an Alex’s best interest to wait six months which would put Alex at a year old on May 2014 Alex would enter Boston Children’s Hospital in Waltham mass is satellite hospital for Boston Children’s Hospital where we would attempt another time for this procedure to be done at this time the procedure was a full success Alex came out of surgery perfect into Lakehouse up to his thighs. The doctor said Alex would be in the cast for eight weeks Alex went back in four weeks for a check up at that time the doctor had taken the cast off looked at Alex‘s feet it felt that Alex didn’t need to have the cast re-put back on he told me to take Alex home give him sea salt baths for his feet so the stitches could finish dissolving to clear away and after to go out and buy Alex shoes which Alex had not been put in a shoe for you to do his toes were wide and would have to buy the shoes for times bigger which made the shoes look ridiculous on him. So for the first year of Alex‘s life Alex said every type of shoe sock you could think of that they head out for a little boy Alex would then start his walking as he started walking just before surgery and it was interrupted because of surgery so what are year old Alex want to walk run her do everything the normal little boy should be able to do without any limitations Alex is for you to watch very closely as he does have something wrong that may cause them to go in and push the grove a growth bar in so that the bones do not move crookedly as the bones are very straight now Alex’s toes will remain webbed until he’s a little bit older having the toes remaining webbed. Is an Alex’s best interest to keep Alexzander toes straight. If they were to be D webbed at the age of five now I believe there is a good chance that Alex‘s feet could very well be affected to end up being reformed like his father his feet his fathers for you to mutated to actually look horrible they are all crooked deformed not fully grown where Alex‘s feeder generally perfect in every way.
Story about Greig Cephalopolysyndactyly Syndrome

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