Story about Guillain-Barre Syndrome .


Dec 2, 2

I was a single mom of three children working at the Olive Garden restaurant in Henrietta NY during December 2002. I had started a sinus cold at the end of October so one night I arrived at work and came in the door thinking boy my my feet feel tingly like frost bite almost but it wasn't that cold out. Then my head cleared out which I had this stuffed up feeling for six weeks prior since my onset with GBS.So a table of disabled individuals came in I believe they came from The Center for Disability Rights what a coincidence that was! Other staff members didn't want to wait on them so I offered as they were known not to tip all that great. Anyways about twenty minutes into my night all of a sudden I had to run in the bathroom and get sick, also the tingling was preceding to go up my legs and in my fingers. My manager told me to go home so I did. That night I proceded with back pain so I went to emergency and they sent me home with muscle relaxer and antibiotcis said it was a viral thing. On Dec 12th the next day it only got worse. I couldn't sleep pain was so severe in my sciatica, it was worse than labor. I literaly passed out around 2 a.m.from sheer exhaustion. Woke back up around around three stood up and felt dizzy so I went to the front door to get some air and passed out. My boyfriend had been over and heard me so he called 911. They came and my blood pressure was 50/30. I took my first ride in an ambulance to Highland Hospital. They did many test MRI, CAT scan and blood work but did not know what was wrong yet. Then my sister went online and talked to a friend of hers that had a brother with GBS and said to check for that because the symptoms were similar. Well they did and I progressed to total paralysis within four days. I was lucky enough not to be on a vent or respirator but I was totally unable to move my body or close my eyes tight. It is a strange feeling not be able to see a wrinkle on your forehead either. I had plasma perisis and moraphin for the pain. Was in this hospital for three weeks. I was soon tranfered to Strong Hospital for rehabilitation for another three weeks during Xmas but I did go to my mothers home for the day to be with my kids and family in a wheel chair. My coworkers and family had bought presents for my children which made it very nice under the circumstances since I hadn't had a chance to get anything as I went in on the 12th of December the day after I had bought a real xmas tree that I didn't get to decorate! When I arrived there they would not allow any food or coffee till they checked my swallowing capabilities well that backed me up and I hadn't gone to the bathroom for ten days so now I am in severe abdominal pain! I made them let me drink coffee,have a milkshake along with enima etc.which helped. I was still vomiting when I arrived there. I was there till the day after I started walking for the first time January 20th. I wanted to be home for my boys birthdays which are a day apart on January 21st and 22nd. I went home for in home nursing care and PT care. Off work for six months for disability but came back strong. I do have lasting partial paresis in my face and extremities, also tire very easily but I am thankful for being this well compared to what I was!

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