Story about Hallucinogen Persistent Perception Disorder , Visual Snow.

How I got my condition

Jun 11, 2018

By: dayum_som

Year Condition Began: 2017

I used to smoke cannabis for years when, in summer 2017, I took LSD for the first time. The trip went well and didn't feel any negative effects, even after the trip.

I took LSD a few more times after my first dose. I started microdosing once a week to help me cope with studies. It worked great.

Because of the stimulating properties of LSD microdosing, I would smoke one joint every "microdose day" to make sure that I would sleep no problem.

After a few microdoses, I started having Visual Snow when smoking. It always subsided by the next morning.

However, my last microdose was different. I started to hallucinate but still decided to smoke a joint.
Since that day, I started having permanent hallucinations.

After-images, ghosting, Visual Snow, tracers, flashes of light, you name it.

Every drug except alcohol makes the condition worse. The worst offender is cannabis.

Since approximately september 2017, I decided to stop using any kind of drugs.

I have done drugs a few times since, but nothing like cannabis or LSD. Mainly drugs that would make my condition slightly worse but would go back to baseline after a few days.

I am now stuck with this condition that is affecting daily life, mainly because I think about it all the time.

I know I only have myself to blame, but am still trying to find solutions and possible cures no matter what.

In the meantime, I try to live a normal life and think less about the condition, even if it is difficult.

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