Question - HELLP Syndrome


HELLP and Aneurysms

Asked 6 years ago Leanna 60

I was wondering if anyone knows of any studies showing a correlation between HELLP and Aneurysms? I was diagnosed with HELLP & Pre-Eclampsia the day after my due date and had an emergency c-section, but I'm pretty sure that I had it for my last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy. When I got home I looked into it more and found some anecdotal stories of women who died of aneurysms a few years after they had their children which of course terrified me. To add to this fear my cousin who had been diagnosed with Pre-Eclampsia and was told not to have more children, but did anyway (3 more) and I believe has P.E. with every pregnancy died from an aneurysm 2.5 yrs after her twins were born. I'm at a cross roads now trying to decide on a second child and would love if someone had more info on this.

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Hi Leanna, 


You may find more studies on strokes after HELLP/PE rather than searching for the link to Aneurisms 

Here is a starting point, hope this heps xx

There is also a lot of research happening and glimmers of hope too



Austrailia xx




Answered 6 years ago Marie 60

Thank you so much for the info!

Answered 6 years ago Leanna 60
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