Story about Hereditary multiple exostoses .

From the time I was a kid I have MHE that brought along ASD

May 20, 2017

By: Jim

I ws born in 1951 and  from USA State of Vermont. I had ASD from MHE ever since I remember. At the time, I don't think anybody ever connected the 2 conditions.. For the MHE beside the many bumps (what my doctors and parents call them), I had shorter limbs so I was about the size of a kids 3 to 4 years younger than me and my right arm and hand was bent to the right. The ASD I guess I have High Function type. I was poor in school flunking 5th grade and having to take summer school in 9th and 11th grades to move to the next grade. It took a while to grasp the concept of new subjects or job routines,but once I did I did pretty good. To get routine maintenance done on my home or auto or other equipment,I understood the problems and able diagnose the issue but I can not get my hands to do something about it. so I needed help in those areas. As far as being bullied I did not have that big of a problem. If it was kids I would just get in their face and they figure I was not worth it and leave me alone. That did not help in getting close friends, just a fair amount of so so friends. If some teachers, boss, clergy, bureaucrats and politicians come across that they believe they are so much smarter than anybody and talk down and use their position like a club over the heads of people, to me it was like they were being bullies.I would have a hard time with them much to my peril. With the help of my wife Jeanne, I have mature through those feelings, But a still got a ways to go. In politics, My perception one party is more guilty of coming across of being smarter than rest of us and talking down to the voters(Both sides do it) has cause me to repost political post on Facebook. This I am finding out it has offended some Facebook friends and even some MHE Facebook friends. I never meant that to happen like all my life I say things verbally that would hurt people and for the most part,I never meant that to happen ether. I know this has been a long post but if you see your kids or yourself going somewhat the same way as I did, at least this may give a rime or reason.

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