Question - Hidradenitis Suppurativa


Diet... Dairy and alkaloids

Asked 8 years ago Anthony Steven Hunt 35

I have a lifetime experience with this disease. 

There seems to be emerging evidence that dairy and nightshade vegetables create the conditions for HS proliferation. 


I can demonstrate potato's cause an inflamation two hours later..  Which subsides after a week if I avoid them again.

I am also a big dairy drinker...  Massive...  I haven't removed it from my diet yet.   I suspect if I stop dairy,  I may no longer get inflamation from potato's. 


I see lots of people agreeing it's diet and some coming up with some crazy concoctions to control the disease.   I think it's more simple than that. 


Has anyone managed to prove that diet doesn't help them? I ignored it for ages and think I've finally seen the light. 

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I changed my diet for my food sensitivities and detoxes to let my body heal, and I pretty much managed to get my HS under some form of control. 

I don't eat dairy, red meat, wheat and gluten, corn, corn syrups, sweetness, MSGs or black and white pepper. 

I take probiotics too and olive leaf extract to try get rid of systemic candida infection, and that's helped massively too! I think there may be a link between them, once my candida overgrowth is gone, I have next to no problems and my skin starts healing.  If it comes back slightly I have a massive flare up!! 

Answered 7 years ago Scarlet 30

I have this disease for over 30 years now , and diet doesn't matter for me . I've gone in remission BIG TIME since taking vitamin D3 15000 ie per day . No more flares ! So simple solution for me that works wonders .

Answered 9 months ago Ernst 20
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