Story about Hidradenitis Suppurativa .

HS won't take my writing from me

Aug 12, 2017

By: Penny

Had recurring boils during late teens/early twenties. Doctors told me it was clogged hair follicles. Had one doctor lance one and not very gently. 

I had first surgery in 2008 on a pilonidal cyst. That doctor didn't mention HS, but he left a hole in my behind large enough to put a fist into. After that surgery, the HS really started to rock'n'roll.

The second surgery in 2012, the surgeon was a cold fish: not very friendly. She told me it was HS and that was my "official" diagnosis.

Fast forward to October 2015, third and worst flare. I could no longer sit in a chair and could no longer work as a data entry operator. I couldn't stand for any length of time, either. 

I lost my apartment and had to move in with my mother, something I did not want to do. My kitty cat of 16 years, Clairee, passed away shortly after the move. 

I cannot get health insurance due to complications with my taxes and I don't get enough in disability to pay out of pocket.

I have not sat in a chair for almost 2 years now and I have no idea when - or how - I will be able to see a doctor.

But I write every day, no matter what it is. That, and two new black kittens, keep me going.

HS took my independence and my freedom. But I WILL NOT ALLOW it to take my creativity or my ambition to write.


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